3 Reasons Co-Managed IT Services Benefit Your Business
Outsourcing has become the go-to for SMBs who want to focus their efforts on business growth, rather than the hassle of daily IT support. However, the growing complexity of IT has driven many companies to move towards Co-Managed IT Services.
Here are three clues your business may be ready to benefit from working with an MSP that provides Co-Managed IT Services:
1. Your IT Staff Is Limited
Even the most successful companies operate with merely one or two IT professionals in-house. However, businesses can easily find themselves in positions where their current IT team cannot accomplish a given challenge or opportunity.
With Co-Managed IT Services, companies of any size can tap into additional expertise provided by an outside MSP. For example, leadership could determine that in-house IT staff will focus on day-to-day tasks while the MSP can be contacted to handle issues that require higher-level support.
2. Your IT Team Lacks Experience With Upcoming Initiatives
Businesses are often faced with opportunities to implement new IT systems and programs. However, existing in-house IT teams may not have the experience needed to successfully plan, implement and maintain that upcoming initiative.
Co-Managed IT Services can provide businesses with a wide range of experience and expertise. Good MSPs are regularly sending their engineers to continuing education courses and encouraging them to get professional certifications.
3. Your IT Team Is Overworked
Rapid growth, special projects and seasonal swings can all put pressure on existing IT teams. While you may consider hiring more staff, this may not be necessary.
Co-Managed IT Services help ease the pressure on a busy service desk staff, giving your in-house IT team time to focus on day-to-day tasks.
Most importantly, Co-Managed IT allows businesses the opportunity to eliminate the need to pay for in-house IT employees, as a result, saving them money.
Why Choose Co-Managed IT Services?
With Co-Managed IT Services, an organization’s internal IT team collaborates with their Managed Service Providers to divide IT responsibilities. As a result, companies benefit by gaining access to experience and expertise it may not possess internally.
Ready to Get Started with Co-Managed IT Services?